Thursday, November 26, 2009


Since ancient times,people have attempted t understand and treat disorder many early societies believed that demons caused abnormal behaviour.later,people came to regard the mentally ill as dangerous people with insufficient self-control to be normal .disturbed individuals were imprisoned or sent to dismal institutions called asylums.

During the late 1700's, the idea that abnormal behaviour resulted from serious personal problems began to be investigated.people started treating the mentally ill more humanely.

During the 1800's,people believed in possible physical reasons for different kinds of mental disorders.a german psychiatrist named Email kraepelin became famous for his lehrbuchder psychiatre(A text book of psychiatry,1883)this classified various illnesses according to their specific types of abnormal behaviour
In the late 1800's, and early 1900's, sigmund freud,an austrian doctor,developed theories about the effects of unconscious drives on behaviour.freud and his followers laid the foundations.for both the intrapsychic schoolof psychopathology and psychoanalysis.the freudianstions became especially known for their use of free association to interpret dreams,analyse memories,and make people aware of their unconscious conflicts.

Later in the 1900's, researchers proposed several other theories and treatments of abnormal psychology.these proposals centred on the relationship of psychological,physical,and social conditions in the individual and society.

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